Paul (Admin)

Learning Curve

Apr 03 2020

On March 12th, my friend Al and I took a day trip to Hamilton, Ontario and 3D Printing Canada. I had decided to purchase a Creality Ender 3 Pro printer. I am glad I did - great entry-level printer.

It has now been 4 weeks now since I got the printer and here's what I have learned:

The Pipeline

Apr 02 2020

I call it the pipe-line or supply chain -- you get the picture. I make the headgear for the face shields, but that is the first step to getting the shields into the hands of healthcare workers.

I was approached by Kim Brookes via my wife. Kim's significant other John Vanderlinde started the process of printing headgear and they contacted local facilities. (See my previous post)

Home Assistant

Apr 01 2020

In my last post, I mentioned Home Assistant as a way to work with the two Tasmoto converted Plugs. So what is Home Assistant? It's a client-server solution to Home Automation. Here is my Home page of my Home Assistant web-client.

Rabbit Holes

Mar 31 2020
My life of late seems to be full of Rabbit holes. You know that feeling looking something up and discovering that the topic is captivating and you can't stop thinking about it. I have already spoken about the 3D printing rabbit hole that started just before the "stay home" requirement. Unfortunately, or possibly, fortunately - it depends on your point of view and/or amount of time you have available, I have run into another deep, deep rabbit hole of home automation.

Doing my Part (s)

Mar 30 2020

Through my wife, who is a real estate broker, I was asked to print, via my new 3d printer, the headgear component of a face shield. These face shields are dearly needed by Healthcare workers all over the world. I am glad to help make these parts as a way of doing “my part”.

Time to return to this.

Mar 30 2020

Hello Everyone.

Given the times - I have been thinking about needing an outlet to my "isolation" and have decided that I will use this site to publish thoughts and activities.

So some updates to define the current state of Tressleworks:

Previous Posts
Learning Curve
4/3/2020 11:58 AM | Paul (Admin)
The Pipeline
4/2/2020 8:15 AM | Paul (Admin)
Home Assistant
4/1/2020 5:16 PM | Paul (Admin)
Rabbit Holes
3/31/2020 9:00 PM | Paul (Admin)
Doing my Part (s)
3/30/2020 9:41 PM | Paul (Admin)
Time to return to this.
3/30/2020 11:56 AM | Paul (Admin)